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  Hospitals / Dental Clinic
    Orthopedics  / Pharmacy 

Angkor Japan International Hospital


Angkor Japan Friendship International Hospital has another name Angkor Kyosei Hospital with the personal investments by a Japanese and a Cambodian. Located about 10 kilometers from Siem Reap downtown, this hospital focuses on general illness and operated by Khmer doctors who have been trained in Thailand, Korea and Japan. In addition to providing treatment for locals and tourists, Angkor Kyosei Hospital aims to reinforce training of health care professionals in the region.Address:

+855 76 677 7879

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Street Bun Rany Hun Sen, Chanlong Village, Srange Commune , Siem Reap.

Royal Angkor International Hospital


they have English speaking staff and are experienced in dealing with foreigners

  • services: emergency service with ambulance and air evacuation system, internal medicine, ear, nose & throat, surgery, urology, radiology, neurology, general health check-up, children health, orthopaedic, ICU, laboratory service, women health, cardiology

  • facilities: CT scan, X-ray, ICU, ultrasound, pediatric, labour room, ward & nursery and others

  • payment options: cash, credit card, insurance (must be approved by the insurance company)

+855 63 761 888

Emergency: +855 12 235 888

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National Road 6 (Airport Road), Phum Kasekam, Khum Sra Ngea, Siem Reap

Angkor Hospital For Children


Founded in 1999, Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC) is a non-profit hospital that mainly provides high-quality and compassionate care to Cambodian children even their families are able to pay or not. Adults and foreigners also can come here if having minor medical problems. The facilities and hygiene standards in AHC are utterly impeccable. This’s also a worthy place to come and make donation and donate blood to contribute to better health outcomes for Cambodians.

+855 63 963 409

 +855 12 940 669

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Tep Vong (Achamean) Road & Oum Chhay Street, Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap, Cambodge

Neak Tep Hospital


Neak Tep Hospital is a patient-centered hospital providing a high standard of quality medical services that are respectful, responsive to individual patient preferences, and ensuring that patient values guide all of our clinical decisions. The hospital headquarter is in Siem Reap with two branches – in Phnom Penh and Poi Pet City in Banteay Meanchey Province.

The core services of the Neak Tep Hospital consist of three categories: general medicine, medical specialty, and medical administration services.

+855) 17 928 655 +855) 15 883 899

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7 Makara st, Chun Lung, Sala Kamreurk, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Ly Sreyvyna II Clinic


This clinic is recommended by long-term expats with 24-hour service, including weekend and public holidays. Ly Sreyvyna Clinic is mentored by American and Singaporean doctors and offers reasonable consultation fee. Doctors here can communicate with patients in French and English.Address: Street Platinum, Sala Kanseng Village, Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap.Phone:

+855 12 774 888

+855 63 965 088

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Street Platinum, Sala Kanseng Village, Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap

Doctors Rithy Kong and Sok Leng


These two Khmer doctors provide quick consultations for minor bumps and bruises. They also can offer analysis with an X-Ray machine. They can speak basic English and French, no need appointment in advance so many travel bloggers recommend them for reliable basic care on their pages.

(+855 12) 832 152

 +855 63 963 182

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Behind Akira Electrical, #11, National Route 6, Siem Reap

Pachem Dental Clinic

Dental clinic

In contrast to the general standards of healthcare system, dental services in Siem Reap are excellent with English-speaking dentists who have trained in Europe or US. Pachem Dental Clinic, founded in 1999, is one of the longest running clinics in Siem Reap, with a solid reputation for its services. It provides high quality and professional services of affordable and integrated oral care. Besides Cambodians, it attracts lots of patients from Asia, Australia, Europe and US.

+855 17 300 300

+855 70 300 800

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#242, Angkor Wat Avenue, Krong Siem Reap

International Dental Clinic

Dental clinic

International Dental Clinic (also known as IMI Dental Clinic) is another dental clinic in town getting very good reviews from foreigners. Its dentist team can communicate smoothly with patients in English, French and Japanese. These highly experienced and qualified European dentists accredited locally, regionally and globally in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, Germany and Denmark. With excellent customer services and the most up-to-date high-technology, this is a trustworthy address for many foreigners coming to Siem Reap with cosmetic dentistry purpose.

+855 63 767 618

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#545, National Route 6, Banteay Chas Village, Sangkat Slor Kram, Siem Reap

Chhuon Meng Dental Clinic

Dental clinic

Chhuon Meng Dental Clinic

Phone :+855 012 844 003

Address:No. 144, Phsar Nhe (St.), Taphul Village, Sangkat Svay Dangkum, Siem Reap City, Siem Reap, Cambodia

+855 12 844 003

N° 441, rue Phsar Nhe, village de Taphul, commune de Svay Dangkum, district de Siem Reap



Dr. Veng Vuthy speaks English and is said to be the best orthopedic surgeon in town.

Veng Vuthy Clinic
Clinic is open 24/7

+855 12 852 523

Phsa hnè taphul siem reap, Siem Reap, Cambodia

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Angkor Thom Pharmacy


Although there are many Preah Vihear Pharmacies in town, the one on Tep Vong Street has an excellent inventory of medicines, medical supplies and machines. Prices are the same for foreigners and locals, and all of the pharmacists are extremely helpful.


+855 (0)63 963 759

Sivatha Boulevard, Siem Reap

UCare Pharmacy


Open daily, hours vary by location

+855 17 300 300

+855 70 300 800

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Lucky Mall, Sivatha Boulevard, or 2 Thnou Street, Siem Reap

Preah Vihear Pharmacy


U-Care Pharmacy is a Western-style pharmacy with European beauty products. There are three branches in Siem Reap proper, one in Lucky Mall, another on Sivatha Boulevard and one near Old Market, plus another at the airport. The prices can be higher than many of the local pharmacies but the employees are well-trained and the store carries many products not available elsewhere. Know that they will almost always suggest expensive brand-name medications, but they do often care less-expensive generics if you ask

Preah Sangreach Tep Vong Street, Siem Reap



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